Friday, May 22, 2009

on holiday.

I'm off to here for the weekend. Can you 'name that place'? I'm just thrilled to see palm trees and a beach! What should we do while we're there?


AlliSMiles said...

Looks like Coronada in San Diego. Enjoy the sun and have some fresh seafood! And take lots and lots of beautiful photos.

AlliSMiles said...

CornadO not Coronada

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Yeah, I think it's the Hotel Del--nice! I've never stayed there, but the beach is gorgeous and the restaurant tasty--you are so lucky! Watch for Chris out surfing--he's in SD this weekend too!

Summer said...

Have a blast! I'm super jealous. You're going to LOVE it!

Natalie {Parade of the Day} said...

ARE You at Cornado! I love it! Have fun!

Spencer and Kealia said...

you went to coronado island?!? so fancy shmancy! hope you had fun, relaxing time!!!